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Girafe géante avec deux petites filles, cousue main, La Pelucherie

4 reasons to adopt a giant stuffed animal at home and in the office!

Welcome in the soft universe of giant stuffed animals ! Whether in children or adults, these XXL companions still arouse so much enthusiasm and affection. Original decoration, stress reduction at work, emotional management, therapeutic applications and marketing stars : discover the many facets of giant stuffed animals!

Banner giant stuffed animals, 3 lying bears, La Pelucherie

1. An Original and Warm Plush Decoration

Whether for the home or even the office, a huge stuffed animal is always an original decorative object.

Of course, a big plush teddy bear is the perfect accessory to add a touch of dream and fantasy to the a child's room .

But many adults also choose a giant soft toy in their bedroom, as a cozy support for reading or as a centerpiece for a warm atmosphere.

Giant stuffed animals also find their place in the family living room , adding a great conviviality to your decoration.

And why not in your offices? Many companies choose to add giant stuffed animals to the decoration of their offices . The soft and comforting side of these large stuffed animals creates a zen and stimulating atmosphere for their teams, while adding a touch of personality and warmth within the workplace.

XXL stuffed animals are also very popular in doctors' waiting rooms , corporate events, reception halls, weddings (for an original photo boot!), the lobbies luxury hotels , department stores, etc.

2. A Sized Companion For Kids

Giant stuffed animals make great companions for children of all ages. They provide a reassuring presence, a sense of security and unparalleled emotional support.

kids love it play role-playing games with their big stuffed animals , cuddle them, build cabins, use them as a pillow to read a book, play hide and seek, invent stories by giving them their own personality, put clothes on them... In short, the possibilities are only limited to the imagination of the child!

But beyond their playful side, giant stuffed animals play an important role in the emotional development of children . They can talk to them freely about their fears, anger and worries, confidently and without fear of being judged or misunderstood.

And we're not even talking about sleep aid ! If your child is anxious at night, curling up against his big plush has a soothing and reassuring effect that can solve a lot of problems!

To Read Also : Why Give A Giant Soft Toy To Her Baby?

Giant Teddy Bear, 250 cm, La Pelucherie

The Lucien Bear , A Giant Soft Toy That Can Measure Up To 250cm!

3. Giant Therapeutic Soft Toys

The therapeutic use of giant stuffed animals has been proven to help children and adults overcoming difficult situations and emotional turmoil such as anxiety, loneliness, stress, or even depression and autism . Stuffed animals provide a sense of security, comfort and belonging, often serving as transitional objects to express emotions.

Thus, whether large or small, soft toys are increasingly used both in EHPAD than in children's hospitals or psychiatric centres.

Several studies have explored the therapeutic use of soft toys . A study published in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing showed that soft toys can help hospitalized children and adolescents cope with their stay with less anxiety and more cooperation, increasing the chances of successful treatment. Others have shown that fluff can help reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone) in adults.

In short, while results vary from person to person, have a giant stuffed animal at home, in the hospital or in retirement home can have surprising positive effects on mental health!

4. XXL Mascots For Events

Giant stuffed animals are also very popular with organizers of promotional events . They are used for create a strong visual impact, promote a product or attract customers at trade fairs or professional events.

Companies generally choose to create custom stuffed animals or of customize giant stuffed animals with their logos or slogans to enhance brand visibility.

XXL stuffed animals are also often part of fundraising campaigns for charities. They are auctioned or used as attractive mascots to encourage donation. These are also of great mascots for sports teams!

To Read Also : How To Create A Giant Custom Plush With Plush Toys!

Choosing the Right Giant Plush

A giant stuffed animal represents a significant investment. But if chosen well, it can last a lifetime. So here are the few criteria to take into account before you start:

  • The size . A giant plush can measure from 100 cm to more than 3 meters! But make sure it fits the space available.
  • The quality. The idea being that it lasts, pay attention to the “made in China” stuffed animals not expensive that tear at the first collision. At La Pelucherie, all our stuffed animals are guaranteed for life . We repair them at the workshop or we exchange them.
  • The design . Animals, fantastic creatures, cartoon characters, etc. Think long term : it is very likely that your child will tire of a Disney XXL soft toy at 15 years old. On the other hand, a large stuffed animal is timeless and will have an effect even in adulthood.
  • Personalization . Some giant stuffed animals, such as those from La Pelucherie, can be custom-made or personalized with names, messages, or logos. It is a good option for personalized gifts or marketing use .
  • The interview . Think practical! Choose a giant soft toy that is easy to maintain and wash, preferably in the washing machine. We recommend using a carding brush for optimal maintenance.

To Read Also : How to wash a large stuffed animal?

XXL Giant Plushes from La Pelucherie

The stuffed animal, it is THE French reference in terms of quality giant stuffed animals . Our soft toys are made by seamstresses with nimble fingers. They are guaranteed for life , repairable or exchangeable if necessary.

Whether it be a big giant teddy bear to cuddle, an XXL giraffe soft toy 200 cm or a giant tiger for the savannah decor a child's room, we have the giant plush for you! And if not, we make it for you!

Giant Giraffe Soft Toy, La Pelucherie

OUR XXL Giraffe Plush 200cm!

XXL Horse Soft Toy, La Pelucherie

There Giant Horse Plush and His Foal!

Banner giant stuffed animals, 3 lying bears, La Pelucherie

Create your custom XXL plush

At La Pelucherie, we are proud to offer exceptional stuffed animals and wish to best meet your expectations.

So create with us the plush of your choice : a giant panda for a professional event? A mascot in the image of your company? A turtle for an environmental organization? A stuffed animal of your missing pet? We bring your craziest ideas to life!

Custom Giant Teddy Bear, Luxury Hotel Decoration, La Pelucherie

The Giant Teddy Bear Custom Made By La Pelucherie For The Parisian Luxury Hotel Plaza Athénée

Custom Panther Plush, Luxury Plush, La Pelucherie

The Panther Plush Custom Made By La Pelucherie For The Saint Laurent Luxury Boutique

For more information on our giant stuffed animals and our custom-made stuffed animals, do not hesitate to visit our Parisian showroom or at contact our team !

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